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Frequently Asked Questions

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What science is there to backup the things you claim?

Where do we even start?! If you CLICK HERE, you'll be sent to a page called Rhythm Resources -- it's a conglomerate of decades worth of empirical data conducted by some of the brightest minds in science and music. These links take you directly to all the scientific research on how drums, drum circles, and rhythmic events can help with our wellness and mental health. Topics include, but are not limited to the following cohorts: Child/Adolescents


Workplace Wellbeing








You can also check out our own Company MetirX, which follows several groups across our six week mindfulness protocol and shows the results of a before and after survey. Admittingly, we did not have the ability to use control groups, however, we think the tangible changes our participants report more than prove the point. Want to help us reach our dreams and get published? Let us know if you're interested in sponsoring a proper academic study and reach out to us!

Where are your regularly classes and events held?

RhythmetriX currently hosts regular events events in three major cities; Denver + Boulder Colorado, and Philadelphia Pennsylvania. Please click the link to get an exact GPS location of each!




How can drumming help meditation?

Where do we even start? Meditation can be hard! That said, meditating is not limited to sitting in stillness and focusing on the breath. Mindfulness is paying attention to the present moment on purpose, without judgement. RhythmetriX has built a protocol over five years to facilitate this process through a unique series of rhythmic engagements. Our activities are only possible if participants are fully present, paying attention, and in the moment. Then, we make them FUN! There's no such thing as a "mistake" and we go out of our way to encourage you throughout your journey, until suddenly, everything starts to click. With time and repetition, it gets easier to access these headspaces, and over the weeks, our participants overwhelmingly report this process showing up in all facets of life -- especially parts of life where no drums are present.

Annoying co-worker? Take a breath, let it go. Crazy child? Take a breath, let it go. Not sure what to have for lunch? Take a breath, let it go. The examples are virtually infinite.

We feel so confident in our Rhythmic Mindfulness Protocol that if you complete a six week course and feel no difference in your ability to be present in life, we won't give you a refund, but we would love to use you as a case study as your first dissatisfied customer!

Do I need to be good or experienced on drums?

Absolutely not! Anybody can participate in our programs right away. There is no experience necessary! Our goal is not to turn people into "good" drummers. Our goal is to cultivate connections through rhythm. Connections between your brain and body, connections between you and the other people in the drum circle, connections between the circle and people watching -- they're limitless.

What do I need to bring to an event?

Nothing other than yourself! We supply all drums all the time. 

Isn't a drum circle for hippies?

Drum circles have been taking place for thousands of years -- far before the word or concept of "hippie" existed. While we understand the negative stigma surrounding the average drum circle, our job is to make sure that drum circle sounds amazing and feels even better.

Many drum circles consist of people simply playing to the beat of their own drum in a group of other drummers. Nobody listens. It's chaotic. It doesn't sound like music - it sounds like noise. Not our circles. Our job as facilitators is to help show people how to listen to each other, connect their rhythmic expression with others in the circle, and over time, create one musical sound that anyone can enjoy.

When it comes to our mindfulness protocol, sure, we teach some basic rhythms, but mindfulness is not about improvising and making music sound good, mindfulness is about using drums as a tool to pay attention on purpose, to regulate our emotions, and to elicit a pleasant sensation both in the mind and body.

Does RhythmetriX do schools?

Of course! All ages, all sizes -- you name it, we do it. From individual classes to full school assemblies, RhythmetriX prides itself on creating a fun, inclusive, educational environment. Special needs? No problem! We can accommodate all types of humans, from neurodivergent to physically handicapped, blind, deaf, and just about anything else you can think of. Shoot us a message and ask us how!

Are the drums too loud for a corporate setting?

No! We have four drastically different offerings for this exact reason. Some are very loud and we would not suggest doing inside an office, whereas others are extremely quiet and can be done inside any office without disturbing those around you. Curious how we engage corporate wellness through drumming? Give us a call and tell us your needs -- we'll be happy to show you some specific examples that suite you and your company!

Does RhythmetriX do private events?

We specialize in private events. Whether it's a birthday party, a wellness expose, a retreat in the woods, or a bachelorette party, our goal is find out what you desire, how you want your people to feel, and then create something to perfectly suite your needs.

Can I bring a friend?

We insist! Our community drum circles are all either free or very cheap ($6 per person). You are welcome to bring as many friends as you want to our free community drum circles, just please make sure you sign them up on our RSVP list. For paid events it's the same shtick -- sign them up and make sure they're all paid for and bring them with. For any special inquiries, contact us.

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